Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation (650) 817-8888

Law Offices of Andrew H. Dai

Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation (650) 817-8888

Provide legal services to both Franchisors, Franchisees, and other Franchise-Related Services. Franchising your business allows you to expand your brand with fewer overhead costs and fewer day-to-day operating decisions. In return, you can sell your knowledge and experience to dedicated individuals who pay you franchise fees and royalties. Our lawyers have the business experience and know-how to help you build your business empire. We can guide you through the steps to plan, research, create legal documents and control manuals, and sell your franchise. Make your expansion dreams a reality with as little hassle as possible with the Law Offices of Andrew H. Dai at your service.

Andrew H. Dai, Esq.

Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation
(650) 817-8888

We Serve Clients Throughout California. Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation (650) 817-8888